APreist Just for Your Self
IslamThe Ancient Egyptians beleived that an Individual wasmade up of five differnet elements [the fundamentalpart or principle ] the higher self which isrepresented by the God Horus, the lower self which isrepresented by the god Seth, the Soul or [Ba] the mind[ Ab] and the Physical [Khat] and that the spirit wascomplexed having a broken knowledge of the physicalbody, and were the first to teach that everythingwithin the universe is the result of thought. Thus toknow thyself is the study of ones spiritual intellect[Khu] which the Europeans named the psyche. And deemedthat the physical body is a combination of spirit andmatter having both a godly and animal nature.The spirit brings these forces into control byestablishing moral values conditioning the mind togood and corresponds with "the tree of life'" the willand aspects of self making the lower self[khaibit-shadow] submissive to the [khu] spiritualintelligence controlling the behaviour, imagination,intellect,sensual,and emotional faculties and ispresented by the God Heru the higher self [the innervision] conquering the lower self or the god Seth [Cain and Abel ]. when building conciousnes we maintianan equillibrium between the things that unite us andthe things that seperate us from the [all] When one isable to see the divine cosmos [the universal system oforder and harmony in self ] and reconnects back at one[Nehast -wake up ] the incarnation of the Divine, thetransmuting, but this will be done in a conflict uponthe [ba] soul, within the [Ab] mind.We are taught about vibrations and rythm in connectionwith the creation and fall of man these two actonsallude to the will and balancing of thought bringingthe thought into manifestation which is sustained bythe rythm and gives us the prnciple of cause andeffect. Cause and Effect is very important the truthmany ignore it man in arrogance man beleives he hasmastered the knowledge and has the ability tomanipulate nearly all the cosmic laws, but one of hisgreatest weakness is that he cannot recognize much orhas not advanced far enough to realize that he is onewith the cosmos and the cosmos are one with him givinghim the power to create and destroy by speaking thesimple word "Be" directing the will and causing theeffect, his human senses of touch, smell, taste,sight, and hearing, cannot detect the higher force andthus closes the door on an absolute Spiritual Reality.This is a disaster for mankind because we are eternalbeings expeirencing life through mortal physicalbodies and tend to adhere to our lower or animalnature. Time has come now for man to to realize theHidden or what is called the Spiritual Body which isThought, Soul, and Mind, and raise to a highervibration and rythm thus creating new tones [ a higherquallity of character]God Men accomplishing the purpose of life, by cominginto existance of his own.Men and women are to become God like through a llifeof virtue and cultivation of the Spirit throughscientific knowledge [ Know Thyself ] practice andbodily discipline.You Are Each Ones Preist For Yourself. and no one candictate your unfoldment it is only by the appointmentof Allah.PeaceD.Hubbert-Bey