Saturday, December 16, 2006

No Secret In Allah

Islam Islam:
it was pointed out by the Brother KAEL that there were 613 commandments in the Holy
Bible.The Brother Rashid pointed out the fact that even though these commandments are located in the Bible the Prophet left us all we needed for our earthly and Divine salvation
while I must agree with both brothers this is also my reason for posting the seven postulates as well as who were the seven sages and where they were from in my attempt to show that even though these men were from diffrent lands they were bought together for one cause and that was to form a new religious philosophy as well as way of worship and law and it would be the Brother Jesus the Immanuel made Manifest who would be the Messanger of this way of worshipping, who would bring forth the true concept of Allah and teach men of the kingdom of soul. for this is the age when she the Holy Breath would fill the earth. throught the diffrent philosophies and ways of worsip these seven were able to see how far man had advanced and where they stood as far as the worshipping of Allah goes.
and as I have said before the true Message Jesus taught was not for the men of his time but for this era of time in which we live this is the reason why for the first time in ages the secrets have been released into our hands as we are the true posessors of the true Isalmic creed , the ones to raise the True Temple of Allah. it was Jesus who sat in the halls of learning as we can find all through our Koran, and it is he who sat upon the seat of wisdom the Master Sage, and when the time was ripe the pages were copied by the now Master Sage of this age Noble Drew Ali. so yes we are the ones now to who hold the words of the masters form all times and climes, we have the wisdom that men search for we are the New Revealers.
D.Wajid Hubbert-Bey

The Mathematics of Creation

Islam Islam
As I go back over some old postings I found one that needed a higher train of thought as I will not point out who it was that was in this debate I will point out the fact that the debate was between a Moorish Brother ( adept ) and a Brother from the 5% Nation on the birth of man his original origin while man is mind and that mind is here to gain perfection. We must come to realize Moors that our Koran was copied from the Memory Book of Allah and in that Book we're told there is but one way for a man to be produced a thousand by which he can be destroyed the Holy bible lets us know that everything was created in twos thus we have to have a female as well as a male components thus we read in chapter 11 that time never was when man was not that which beginns with time will have an end if man was not a time will come when he will not exist though we draw that this is is a higher plane of existance the point the brother 5% was trying to make was the fact that Physical man has existed longer than scientific records can show and then they went off into the Mathematics of things, while all of this may be true. we have to consider that fact of what the Prophets of old taught Creative Fate. but we must ask who is creative fate this brings us back to Wisdom and Will Divine these are the two who moved on the face of boundless space and a son was born that son is Love there we have Wisdom which is often referred to as ( she) and Will and the force or strength of Allah who came together in thier infinite Power to create a child, ( LOVE )and this same priciple applies in the physical world as well we are Gods made flesh each and everyone of us is the result of the male the life producing force and the female the sustaining wisdom of life thus it is the will that gave life the wisdom that sustained it and love is the result that came forth to try and remove any of these principles is to undo creation on a whole as you were created male and female and called man then we caused you to rest in a safe place until the appointed time and bought you forth as a man child ! and backward through the ages Master Minds can trace themselves and thus they Know!
D.Wajid Hubbert Bey

Some of the Great Fathers through which Jesus Came

Some of the Great fahers through wich Jesus came, Abraham,Boaz by Ruth, Jesse, King David, Solomon, Hezkiah, Joseph by Mary.
what is the significance of these great fathers, why would the Prophet make sure that we knew this linage, could it be that through a covenant made Allah to Abraham that his seed was made great,(Genesis 18:8 )and i will establis my covenant between me and thee and thy seed after thee in thier generations for an everlasting covenant to be a God unto thee and to thy seed after thee, and i wil give uthe land unto thee and to thy seed after thee the land wherein thou art strangers all the land of Cannan for an everlastin possession and i will be thier God. Allah also spoke of Sarah ( 8:16 ) and i will bless her and give thee a son also of her yea I will bless her and she shall be a mother of nations Kings of people shall be of her.
Through his son Issac a line of Prophets, Kings, Preist, Men of Righteousness were raised, or is there another reason, a reason that i have found most miss, if you go to the Holy Bible and study the wifes of each of these Great Fathers we find that through each marrige a new tribe or nation was added or reunited in the blood linage, all these great fathers were the decendants in one way or another to Abraham the father of many nations through his male decendants. the Uniting of Asia was carried out through marriges, Even in the linage of Ishmael such Prophets as Buddah,Confucious, Mohammed were raised still in the Linage of Abraham.
What I am trying to point out here Moors is the fact that the women named and not named helped to continue the Uniting as one family one blood, the Prophet even tells us what nations were united through the blood of Abraham. verse 2-7 chapter 45. The divine origin of the Asiatc Nations.

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