Saturday, October 14, 2006

Things to Know

Things To Know
from the silent brotherhood of the east.
and in the Old book we read of man he has a spirit knit to Toa Great: a soul whic lives within the seven breaths of Toa Great a body of desires that spring up from the soil of flesh, now spirit loves the pure the good the true the body of desires extols the selfish flesh the soul becomes the battle ground between the two and blessed is the man who's spirit is triumphant and who's lower self is purified who's soul is cleansed becoming fit to be the council chamber of the Manifest of Toa The Great.
the Power of Truth
There is no death the wand of Truth can change the dryest bones to living things and bring the lovliest flowers from stagnant ponds and turn the most discordant notes to harmony and praise. Your wand is Truth with this truth you touch the multitudes and every man become a messanger of Holy light and life you touch the waves upon the sea of life their turmoils cease the very winds become songs of Praise

The God Of Love
there kis a God Of love he is every where purify your hearts drive out cruelty and every wicked thought and make within the temple where the God of love can dwell
The Cord uniting the commands
This cord is love and id belongs to every word of the ten commandments if one is full of love he cannot kill cannot falesly testify he cannot covet can do naught but honor Allah and man if one is full of love he needs not the command of any land if we open the windows of our minds truth will enter and make herself at home for truth can find her way through any crevice,any window, any open door the way of truth is never shut for truth is every where the cord that binds the ten commands is one is strong enough to open any human door so that ttruth can enter and cause the heart to understand.
D.Wajid Hubbert Bey

New Moorish Quiz
1.What Moorish Leader amended to the original corporation documents of the MSTA filed by our Prophet and therefore has the only legally recognized continuation of the Prophets 1928 corporation. and what is the name of that particular fraction?
2.Is the Prophet the author of the Moorish koran ?
3.During the first annual Moorish convention what laws were handed down to the members of the Moorish Science Temple of America, and what was the supreme law that was handed down later on?
4.When did the title grand advisor come about and who anominated Kirkman Bey for the title.?
5.What two Moorish leaders were recognized as having the two largest fractions of the Moorish Science Temple during the contreversy of 1929 ?
6. There are three titles given to our Prophet Noble Drew Ali, the Miftah,The Muhaimin,and the Muqrarrabin can anyone define these titles.
7.Who is it that sits as the Supreme Executive Ruler of Third heaven.
8.In 1982 what Moorish leader in a court decision was recognized by the Illinois Cook Count Court as having the exclusive right to use the Name Moorish science Temple Of America Inc.
9.What is the name the temple was first incorporated under in 1926?
10.What was the original name used by the Prophet for the Mufti corp. ?
11. How many days after the birth of a Prophet is is declared a new year?
12.Name the members of the Supreme Grand council ?
Quetions From the Moorish Koran
1.The human seed that came forth form the heart of Allah what potencies did it hold?
2.In the front of our Moorish Koran who is the Mufti guarding the door of Third Heaven?
3.Who is the Son Of the Most High?
4.According to our Moorish Koran how is one tested and found to be the message that he brings?
5.Wisdom and Will Divine moved on the face of boundless space and what attribute of Allah was born?
6.What is the Will of Allah ?
7.What was the one called who came to bring to men a Light the Light of Life?
These questions have been conducted or compiled form things taught here on this site and through out the Moorish Movement no matter what Grand body you reside under and are compiled here to show that we are all one big Family through the efforts of our Illustrious Prophet Noble Drew Ali, Thus we ask that all Moors on this site Participate in answering the Quiz questions that we may take your answers and develope a new line of topics to discuss here on this site The Revealers
The Moderators

It seems that in this age of Awareness ans spiritual enlightment there are so many People of asiatic decent who still dont know of the Master Sage,who sits upon the seat of wisdom,the one whom allah blessed as the Key the Guide the way to our salvation here on this earth for that reason The new Revealers blog has come forth this blog will be used for the sole purpose of raising ones spiritual awareness,teaching the true religion of ISlamism that old Time Religion. and displaying the religious complexion of our Noble and Divine Movement thus we beginn with the lesson Below entitled Islamism that old time religion

Islam Islam
I rise giving perfect praise and admoration to the wonders of his love to him alone do I give these things My Father God Allah. I give honor to his Love though made manifest The Prophet then the Prophet now Noble Drew Ali, I give honor to the purity of the so called black struggle made manifest the forerunner of our Prophet Marcus Mosiah Garvey, I give honors to all past and Present Grand sheiks and to all who have taken upon themselves to spread the gospel of Islamism and I give honors to each and everyone of you because when you honor man you honor Allah.
It is time now to take this site to higher heights,thus I have returned to the basics to show this lesson.
What is your religion?Islamism, is that a new or old time religion? that old time religion?
Dear moors this the very first lesson of the Divine laws that were handed down Dec.15,1928 to know thyself to learn your higher and lower self to note your inner strengths to know that the soul of man is the Council chambers for the manifesting of Allah,but the soul must be pure for love to live,thus killing off the body of desires that reside within the flesh and thus the soul of man becomes the Battle Ground between good and evil, need and desire, love and lust. a conflict that cannot be told in words.but they both stride naught goes down and man as aught abides therein.
Thus we have the religion of Islamism,the inner struggle of man to raise from the depths of hell to highest heights of spiritual life thus the science of Islamism is to KNOW THYSELF AND ALLAH. because when you know thyself you become Allah, you b

Friday, October 13, 2006

Who is Noble Drew Ali

It seems that in this age of Awareness ans spiritual enlightment there are so many People of asiatic decent who still dont know of the Master Sage,who sits upon the seat of wisdom,the one whom allah blessed as the Key the Guide the way to our salvation here on this earth for that reason The new Revealers blos has come forth this blog will be used for the sole purpose of raising ones spiritual awareness,teaching the true religion of ISlamism that old Time Religion. and displaying the religious complexion of our Noble and Divine Movement thus we beginn with the lesson Below entitled Islamism that old time religion

Islam Islam
I rise giving perfect praise and admoration to the wonders of his love to him alone do I give these things My Father God Allah. I give honor to his Love though made manifest The Prophet then the Prophet now Noble Drew Ali, I give honor to the purity of the so called black struggle made manifest the forerunner of our Prophet Marcus Mosiah Garvey, I give honors to all past and Present Grand sheiks and to all who have taken upon themselves to spread the gospel of Islamism and I give honors to each and everyone of you because when you honor man you honor Allah.
It is time now to take this site to higher heights,thus I have returned to the basics to show this lesson.
What is your religion?Islamism, is that a new or old time religion? that old time religion?
Dear moors this the very first lesson of the Divine laws that were handed down Dec.15,1928 to know thyself to learn your higher and lower self to note your inner strengths to know that the soul of man is the Council chambers for the manifesting of Allah,but the soul must be pure for love to live,thus killing off the body of desires that reside within the flesh and thus the soul of man becomes the Battle Ground between good and evil, need and desire, love and lust. a conflict that cannot be told in words.but they both stride naught goes down and man as aught abides therein.
Thus we have the religion of Islamism,the inner struggle of man to raise from the depths of hell to highest heights of spiritual life thus the science of Islamism is to KNOW THYSELF AND ALLAH. because when you know thyself you become Allah, you become the HOLY KORAN all power in the heavens and the earth is handed to you you regain your lost heiretage of everlasting life, a master upon the seat of wisdom, to those who come in contact with you become a breeze of faith,a spiritual pleasure, your words are of good, others benefit from being in your company, and even when far and near they continue to benefit from you.
Thus there are none that can question the religion of Islamism once on has learned what it is themselves you become the message you bring. you words and deeds are proof of your messiahship. a way of life
D.Wajid Hubbert-Bey
The Revealer

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