Article of incorporation
............COOK...........county Nov 29, 1926
To Louis Emmerson secdretary of state 10.00
Drew Ali, James lomax, Johnny Reynolds ,Eddie Watts, Sammy Rucker....................................
Citizens of the United states form a corporaion Under the Act of General Assembly of the state of
Illinois, entitled An Act Concerning Corporation approved April 18, 1872 and all acts amendatory thereof
and for the purpose of such orgasnization we hereby state the following to wit:
1.The name of such organization is Moorish Temple Of Science
2. The object to which it is formed is to uplift fallen humanity and to teach thos things neccessary to
make men and weomen better citizens
3. The management of the aforesaid Moorish Temple Of Science shall be vested in the board if five
4. The following persons are hereby selected as the directors to control and manage said corporation
for the firt year of coporate existance.
Name Address number street City State
Drew Ali 3603 Indiana Chicago Illinois
James Lomax 3614 Prarie Chicago Illinois
Johnny Reynolds 3603 Indiana Chicago Illinois
Eddie Watts 3603 Indiana Chicago Illinois
Sammy Rucker 3738 Calumet Avenue Chicago Illinois
5.The location is in the city of Chicago the county of COOK in the state of ILLINOIS
and the post office address at it's business office is at no....3603 INDIANA AVENUE the said city of
Drew Ali
James Lomax
Johnny Reynolds
Eddie Watts
Sammy Rucker
Cook ...........................County
I; Claude D Greene .......................................................... notary publicin and for the
County and State aforesaid do hereby verify that on the 26 th ................................................... day of
November ............................A.D. 1926 .............................. Personally appeared before me ...................
Drew Ali, James Lomax , Johnny Reynolds, Eddie Watts, Sammy Rucker ...........................................
to me personally known to be the same persons who executed the forgoing certificate, and severally
acknowledged that they had executed the same for the purpose therein set forth.
In witness Claude D. Greene
Labels: The Article of Incorporation